Monday, February 4, 2013

Marc Chagall ~ America Windows and Four Seasons Mosaic

I'm studying Marc Chagall today and beading.  It snowed again and it finally sounds like winter.  Snow is like this wonderful buffer that absorbs sound and hushes every thing.  I think that's why it is so much quieter in the winter and why I get so much writing done.  Less distractions.

I shoveled the driveway and threw some sesame seeds, apricots, and oats and an apple.  I always give my one special friend treats on the step.  She is such a sweetheart.

I'll be adding information, thoughts and images of Marc Chagall over the next couple of days.  I've always appreciated his work but didn't know that much about him.  His body of work is so vast that I'm going to break it up into sections.  Marc Chagall is still kickin'.  He may not be alive but he is very much still kickin'.

Now to get some more work done and then Marc Chagall.  Now that's what I call being in some good company.

When I think of Marc Chagall I think of the blue windows in the Chicago Art Institute and I was thinking he had created a mosaic in Chicago. So I did some research and found some images.
These are the stained glass windows in the art institute that have inspired and caused many people, including me to stop and stare.  They are so beautiful.

I actually found a good video on YouTube about the re-installation of the America Windows by Marc Chagall and though some of the people talking are a little stiff, being able to see the process of how these windows were created is way cool.

Here are the three panels.

This is one of my favorite places to go.  To see these windows.  There is nothing like seeing them in real life.  Walking into the area where they are and seeing the way the light comes through them.

And the Four Seasons Mosaic.  I love the idea of public art.  I'd really like to do a project, a mural or mosaic, out in the open, to share with people walking by.  Now that would be something, really would be something...
 Chagall Four Seasons 060514.jpg
I used to go and look at it and walk all around it.  The video is somebody who walked around and took video of it.  I like the regular feeling I get from it.  The sounds of the city, no vocal descriptions.  What I dig is that the person takes their time and gets into viewing all of it.  I feel the same way whenever I go see it.
I've always wanted to create a mosaic.  Even before I saw this.  But after I saw this I was struck.  One of these days....

I've been thinking of collecting glass and breaking it and then finding a wall to put it on.  Yeah, no sense in waiting.  This spring, its on.

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