Monday, May 7, 2012

Here is a video of the backyard. The woven wood vines for the beans to grow up. Same for the raspberries. And I'm letting it all grow. You'll see what I mean.

I was looking out the windows at the woven wood sculpture and I saw a blue bird pirched on one of the branches of the wing of the big birdnest. It stayed there for quite awhile.

Robert Frost - "The Last Word of a Bluebird

As I went out a Crow
In a low voice said, 'Oh,'
I was looking for you.
How do you do?
I just came to tell you
To tell Lesley (will you?)
That her little Bluebird
Wanted me to bring word
That the north wind last night
That made the stars bright
And made ice on the trough
Almost made him cough
His tail feathers off.
He just had to fly!
But he sent her Good-bye,
And said to be good,
And wear her red hood,
And look for skunk tracks
In the snow with an axe --
And do everything!
And perhaps in the spring
He would come back and sing.'

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