Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Marianna Teaching Coco How to Play Ball

Marianna and Coco have grown up together. From early on Coco adored Marianna and would follow her around and listen to her. Through the past three years I have taught Marianna training techniques, like saying a simple command and then offering a reward like a little treat or some praise.

Marianna and Coco had been playing ball for quite a long time. I use my garage as my studio in the warm weather months so I'd been working on a canvas and listening to them play for 20-30 minutes. When I took a break and went to watch them I got such a kick out of this game they were playing. The pulling of Coco's tail to get her to move was a technique Marianna came up with all on her own.

Coco and I had already taken a nice long walk and she had been playing ball non-stop with Marianna for quite awhile. So I think she was relieved to rest after I filmed this clip. But that tail nudge Marianna did to get Coco up to go get the ball cracked me up!

I asked Marianna and her mom, my friend Marcy, if I could film them playing and put the video on my blog and they said yes. So here it is. Cuteness!!!!!!!

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