Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Coffee, Beading and Ai WeiWei

Coffee's ready.  I still enjoy using the same old coffee pot I've had for decades.  There just isn't anything quite like the whir of the coffee boiling up through the stem of the coffee grounds and filling the house with its rich aroma.  Some times I add a little cinnamon and nutmeg to the grounds.  When I'm feeling really jazzy I add just a tiny bit of ground cloves too.

I'll be working on the beaded lighter cover again today.  It's probably been about ten years since I've made one so its taken a few runs to get the feel of it when a bead was missed in the weaving process.  They used to take me three or maybe four days to make.  I've been working on this one for about four weeks.  I've taken it a part three times.  I doesn't bother me.  The person I'm making it for loves it and will have it for a long time.

Update:  Two days later I finally figured out what I was doing wrong and why I was having trouble getting the beads to line up right.  Without consciously thinking about it I started the beaded lighter cover again and did it right and then I realized what I had been doing wrong.  So that's cool.  This one is coming along nicely.  Its getting there.  The lighter green beads are actually close to the same color but they are glass and this is the way the light through the window made them look.  And the blue beads are lighter and have more cyan in the hue but I'm no photographer.  I'll post another when its all finished.  ~~  All done!

About twenty years ago I made this beaded lighter cover for myself.  It held up great.  Though I've been really careful to always check my pockets it did wind up in a washer cycle a couple of times.  Recently I inadvertently put it in a pocket I rarely use in my overalls and my cherished lighter cover went into the wash and stayed in the pocket so when it went through the dryer... the bottom pulled a bit and it needed to be repaired.  It had a blue border on the top and bottom and I thought, I'll make it red and orange so I can see it better.  Now it is all repaired and in good shape again and here it is....

The sun is breaking through and while its cold outside, it'll warm up to some good bundled up walking weather in a bit.

For now, I'll leave you with this...

All it takes is one smart cat with some imagination to figure out what it means to be free...
once that door has been opened it isn't up to the cat to close it... 
because it has already found its way.

Never Sorry, the documentary about Ai WeiWei is beautiful, poetic and true to form.

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